Invitation Card

An invitation card is a card mailed out to guests when you want to invite friends to a special event such as birthdays, special wedding anniversaries, graduation, etc. Invitation cards can be bought almost everywhere, however, we still believe that the invitation cards you design yourself can best express your sincere wish to invite your friends.

Actually, designing invitation cards could be so much fun. Designing invitation card yourself can best show your creativity and display your special taste. 


Tips for writing an invitation letter
1)Address the recipient of the letter politely
2)Use formal or informal language depending on the occasion
3)Mention the relevant details about the time, venue, and date of the event
4)Extend a pleasant and polite invitation 
5)Mention the purpose of the event
6)You may request a confirmation of attendance
7)Send out the invitation letters in good time
8)Provide contact address where the recipient can reach you
9)Be brief and straight to the point

Three are two kinds of invitation letter :
1. Formal Invitation
 Formal Invitation are written on a cards. The text is written in calligraphy style.
 For example:
 1) An invitation to a wedding
 2) An invitation to a graduation ceremony

2.Informal Invitation
Informal invitations is personal invitation given to a friend, family, etc.
  Informal invitation date and time are written on words  not on number.
  For example:
  1) Invitation to a birthday party
  2) Invitation to dinner


Azzahra : "Hi tiara! what's up?"
Tiara       : "Hello! May i ask you something?"
Azzahra : "Sure, what is that?"
Tiara       : "Are you busy tomorrow night?"
Azzahra  : "No, why?"
Tiara       :  "I'd like to invite you to my sister's birthday. Tomorrow is her birthday, we will hold a dinner at 7 pm at my house. Would you like to come?"
Azzahra:  "Wow! I'd love to, thank's for inviting me. Happy birthday to your sister!!!"
Tiara     : "Thank you, see you tomorrow night
Azzahra: See you!"
