Introducing myself

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Hi everyone, my name is Azzahra Hidayanti and i'm from XI IPA 2. I wrote my blog before when i was in X grade, i guess this is my second intro and i hope you guys not bored of it:). By the way, i was a new student last year so i'm sorry if you don't really know me, but i hope we can get to know each other🥳 i really want to be your friend. It's been a long time since quarantine, how are you guys? I hope we all in a good condition, i also wish this quarantine to end😂.  In this quarantine, i have nothing much to do. I wake up in the morning, checking my phone, helping my mother, eat, take a shower, dan sleep😂 and i always repeat it, you know, like a daily activities before quarantine. But the difference is now we have an online school, and maybe we are not used to it, but i'm sure soon we will get used to it and everything will be ok. Honestly, i really want to build my body, i want to wake up early in the morning and do some exercise, but i can't😂. I guess i'm too lazy since quarantine, i eat and sleep and never move from my bed (my mom said that was kinda annoying😂) well i'm just too lazy:))). Btw, how's your quarantine guys? I hope yours is great🙌 see you soon when the quarantine is over, byee


  1. Hiii ALAAAAA. I'm Tiara nice to meet you

    1. Wow😂 i never mentioned that my nickname is Ala😂. Thanks for reading my blog, hope you enjoy it! It's nice to know you🙌

  2. well done.. but it is better you make paragraphs..


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