Assalamualaikum Wr.wb
Hi, my name is Azzahra Hidayanti and i want to share my holiday experience with you.
Last holiday was a very sad moment for my big family. My cousin died because of complicated illness. I didn't go to any vacation place at all. Me and my family attended my aunt's house to see my cousin for the last time. But we arrived so late, and can't see him anymore, even for the last time. There, everybody cried and didn't stop talking about his kindness and all the memory with him. We were all very sad, but i know that in every moment of our life, God will always give us the best. Maybe because of this kind of situation, we can be more close with family.
Wassalamualaikum Wr.wb
Last holiday was a very sad moment for my big family.
Me and my family attended my aunt's house to see my cousin for the last time. But we arrived so late, and can't see him anymore, even for the last time. There, everybody cried and didn't stop talking about his kindness and all the memory with him.
Re Orientation:
We were all very sad, but i know that in every moment of our life, God will always give us the best. Maybe because of this kind of situation, we can be more close with family.1zwx
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